It is a toss up of what A.B. Summerhill loves more: reading or chocolate. If she had to choose, she would probably spend her free time indulging in the best of both worlds - reading a good book while eating chocolate. She is a devoted wife and mother of three with two furbabies, all of whom she loves and adores wildly.

At a young age, A.B. was inspired by writing and storytelling, her overactive imagination developing stories without end. She was tasked with storytelling on the bus with her friends and this passion for sharing fantastic stories continued to grow well into adulthood. In addition to the desire to share imaginative stories, A.B. Summerhill is open to sharing her own personal stories with others as a woman born with a rare genetic condition, Ectodermal Dysplasia, which contributed to her being deaf.

A.B.’s brilliant mind is not only presented in her upcoming novel, Birthright, but also in her educational achievements. She graduated from Flagler College with a BA in Deaf Education, Elementary Education, and English with a minor in Creative Writing. Harris then continued her education at Southern Arkansas University, receiving an M.A. in Curriculum & Instructional design.

Her reading interests range from fantasy, sci-fi, horror, to the occasional romance novel, and when she's not reading, she can be found munching on chocolate, sipping tea, daydreaming, and spending time with friends and family.

Her debut novel, Birthright is due for release in August 2024. Follow A.B. Summerhill’s journey on all her social media platforms and through her newsletter!